Does My Unfurnished Rental Property Need an Inventory?

When you let your property to a tenant you might have some fears, worries and ‘what ifs’. One of the main worries may be damage to your property or furnishings, and one of the best ways to minimise any misunderstandings is to have a full inventory with a schedule of condition. You and your future tenant can then agree any amendments to this at the start of their new tenancy.

It is obviously essential to have the inventory in place before you hand over your property to a new tenant.

But what if you don’t have any furnishings? What if you’re like one of the many landlords who rent a property unfurnished? Do you still need to provide an inventory? 

The simple answer is yes! Even without furnishings, and before the property handover, the inventory should itemise everything in the property and, where applicable, a note of the current condition of each entry.


Here are some of the non-furniture items you should list in your property inventory:


  • Wallpaper and/or paint colours
  • Light fittings
  • Floor coverings
  • Curtains and/or blinds
  • Fittings and appliances
  • Meter readings
  • Keys provided


You should also always note the details of cleanliness and any depreciation, such as marks to the paintwork and fading to carpets, curtains, blinds, etc, at the property handover.


Keep your inventory updated and easy to access

When your tenant moves on, you’ll need to get your new tenant to agree to any updates too. Cleanliness and wear and tear will need some adjustments, and adding in any additional appliances or equipment as you go makes it simpler to just update it – perhaps on a database or spreadsheet.


Agree your property inventory with your tenant

With each new tenancy, the tenant should be given the opportunity to confirm, within the first week, that they agree with the inventory. That way, when you carry out property visits during the tenancy, the inventory can be checked, where necessary, for any damage or deterioration. 

If your tenant is liable for any repairs, it is usually best to work with them about how/when these will be done. This will prevent misunderstandings and reduce deposit disputes at the end of the tenancy.

Getting everything carefully documented at the start really will help both yourself and the tenant at the property check-out inspection. If something should happen to your property, even without any furnishings, you’ll have a clear agreed inventory in place and therefore less cause for misunderstandings or deposit disputes.

Just because your property is unfurnished doesn’t mean there’s any less need to have an inventory for it.

If you need an independent and professional inventory for your property, or if you have any questions about this, then please just ask.

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